Saturday, August 25, 2018

Saying good bye to Tijmen

We had the wonderful privilege of attending an absolutely amazing outdoor wedding today for two young people who graduated from our homeschool co-op. It was truly one of the most beautiful and sweet wedding I have ever attended, and I will share more about that soon.

Tijmen joined us for the wedding. It was his first wedding and the first wedding my children have ever attended. And I can't imagine a better one to mark their first. To see the love and devotion of a Christian couple intending to live out the Bible as God intended is so incredibly exciting. 

We tried to get some pictures of Tijmen and the four kiddos at the beautiful outdoor setting but the kids were high on sugar and overtired and as a result, the pictures turned out like a comedy show. 

We are going to miss Tijmen so much. He is starting University which means it will be at least a year before he can visit us again. 

Good memories!

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