Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Wee-Wind Wednesday

Today I flashback to January of 2015 when my cousin Ryan's wife, Briana came to visit us in Spring Hill. Here is a photo I took of Briana and Abigail just over half a year ago.

Ryan and Briana were our second couple for Because of Isaac, and throughout the process of raising their funds and then, subsequently, her joining me in helping other BOI couples, she has become one of my very dearest friends. I have about ten women in my life whom I consider my "Tier 1" people. These are the gals that I would call in a crisis. Briana is totally on my Tier 1. Love this lady so much. She is such a special friend to me. We have very similar personalities and outlooks on life and despite our difference in height, we see eye-to-eye on most everything else! 

She and Ryan love our vision for the farm and wanted to come out for a week and see what our life here was like. They took a red-eye last night. Here were some initial pictures Briana took during their first day:

Here's a picture I snapped this afternoon. Look closely at Briana. Notice any differences?

Here's a closer picture so you can really see what we can all see. Briana has lost almost 50 pounds since I saw her in July simply through hard work, diet and exercise.

I am so proud of her for making this difficult but important change in her life. She looks fabulous, but even more importantly, you can tell how fabulous she feels!

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