Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Some housekeeping

I've had a few things I've been wanting to post lately. I've decided to go ahead and do one "big post" with a bunch of these housekeeping points.

I also wanted to share with you that our Sidge has been doing better and better post-move. I get asked about him a lot. Thank you to those who have been praying for him. We are really seeing the major stress and darkness that had been enveloping him, dissipating praise the Lord.

Okay, here are the things I have been wanting to share:
  • A great advertisement video on encouraging girls to be interested in Science.
  • A great video showing how to cut grapes in one big group!
  • A great video showing how to peel garlic. (My husband does this all the time!)
  • A story on Today about a surprise pregnancy for a mother who had carried another woman's baby through IVF. This gal has always encouraged me for her incredible character and pro-life views. 
  • An online piece on Today -- a letter from the Mom of an IVF baby. I love pieces like this as I always be an IVF mom due to our miracle Hannah.
  • If you have an item you would like to donate to our next online auction for Because of Isaac please send me an email at! We are hoping to unveil the auction in October. Remember, this can be things that are made or things just laying around your house that you are willing to pay shipping for for an online winner. 
  • A request to please consider buying and/or spreading the word about our T-shirts sales for Because of Isaac. We have now sold 24 shirts. Our goal is 75 so we have a ways to go, but we are getting closer. Here is a snapshot of the shirt (which is available in ten colors and both men and women's styles.)

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