Sunday, April 14, 2013

Serra Do Cume

Aaaaah! One can underestimate how wonderful wonderful weather can be for your soul! We went to the 11am Contemporary Service on Base and then took a "side road" home through the scenic "Serra Do Cume" overlook. Wow! How beautiful!

It is sooooo windy up on top!

I am quite cold! It wasn't nearly this cold before we made the ascent.

A sign that we cannot read.

Trying to get the three kiddos to brace the wind and take a photo.

The boys thought it was cold. I think Abigail was actually a little scared of how fast it was coming!

John took each kiddo out of the car one at a time to take a photo on the overlook.

We really had no idea this farmland was right on the other side of this overlook until we got up there!

1 comment:

TAV said...

Living in a rainy place really makes you appreciate sun, doesn't it?!