Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Birthmom gift

What do you get someone who gave you the greatest gift in the whole world? 

I decided when Isaac was born to get his birthmom, Bri, a charm bracelet. 

Every year at Christmas I give her a new charm to represent that year in Isaac's life.

The links now include:

1. Letter I (for Isaac)
2.  Mickey Mouse (he was very into MMCH)
3. Pirate Chest
4.  Turkish Flag
5. Ice Cream
6. Boot (we can't remember if this was for the farm or when he always wore boots)
7. Wonder Woman (he loved superheroes)
8. Lego
9. Piano 
10. Roller Coaster 

This year was the roller coaster. The boy is obsessed with coasters! It is not uncommon when Sidge says he doesn't like a certain roller coaster for Isaac to say: "It's a 1989 woodie. It was created by ..." He's a walking roller coaster textbook.

I love this bracelet! I plan to get a charm each Christmas until Isaac turns 18 and then I hope he continues the tradition.

1 comment:

islandgal said...

Hook Isaac up with his cousin Paul. Paul was and is a roller coaster junkie. Loves them. Paul is also an excellent photographer, and a darn good magician. Too bad everyone is so far away. The kids would love Paul and Thomas--their other cousin. Next time you come to Florida, we have to fix this situation.