Sunday, June 03, 2007

Early early Sunday morning

Well please don't take the fact that it is 4:30 in the morning as evidence that I am not getting enough rest. Everyone keeps asking me if I am resting enough. I am. Yesterday I slept in until 7 and then laid back down for another hour. I also took something close to a three hour nap at the Kits'. I went to bed last night before 10 so I think that is why I am up at 4:30 in the morning. I plan to nap again sometime today as well. So don't worry folks! I'm chilling quite nicely.

Yesterday I went to breakfast with Joan and my Mom at Cracker Barrel. By the time we were done, some of the Kit clan had assembled at the same restaurant for a breakfast of their own. I actually sat in the same waitress' section for two breakfasts in a row (although I only ate at the first breakfast.) She looked very confused, and I finally explained that she was not imagining things.

We tried to surprise my niece Grace with our arrival but that girl is her mother's daughter -- keen on everything. (If anyone was going to discover our surprise, I thought it would be Gabbi! But we got her!) Grace spotted us in the parking lot as they drove in so there wasn't a big surprise just a, "I told you I saw them!" to her mother who had tried to play dumb.

Grace is still the greatest kid ever! I just love that kid. Nathan is great as well, he's just young still so I haven't gotten to know him personally like I have Grace. He also doesn't stay in one spot long enough for anyone to get to know him! But he is turning into a little boy that you can actually get to know. Quite the active kid with quite a head of hair! Very fun.

Last night I also got to see Keith and AD -- the first time since their wedding. We looked through photos and watched the video and just hung out for a bit before we called it an early night. JB and Rob are leaving at 6 this morning for Eglin. I will leave the following morning with my mom and mom-in-law.

It hasn't taken me long to realize that I am not in Kansas anymore. Okay, not in Minnesota, but you get the idea. I was here less than 8 hours before I got cussed at. I was driving into the Olive Garden parking lot after Rob's graduation. I stopped my car to wait for a woman walking in front of a spot to move. Apparently she didn't like that, and quite honestly, I have NO idea why. I was just sitting there, waiting. Were the lights too bright? Was I sitting too still? She in turn, hurled the f-word my way. You gotta love south Florida!

I don't know the area we are moving to much but traditionally, the upper part of the state considers themselves to be much more southern-like in hospitality than southern Florida. As I have explained before, southern Floridians do NOT consider themselves southerners. They do not say "pop" or drink "sweet tea" or ever mumble "ya'll" without fear of getting shot at. Hopefully that means that I won't be getting cussed at on a daily basis when we move to Eglin in just two days.

Also, we now have our new address. I don't want to put that on my blog, so I plan to send an email in the next few days with the address included. I'd like to say that I will be sending some fancy "we have moved" cards out, but quite honestly, that would be a promise I am currently not sure I can keep. So let's just leave it electronic and be done with it. One of the weird things about our new address is that the name of our city is "Eglin Air Force Base". I'm not sure what I tell people when they ask where we live. It's not really Fort Walton Beach or Destin. It's "Eglin Air Force Base" which seems really wordy and cumbersome. I'll have to check with the locals.

Lastly, I should mention that I am now waiting patiently on our three sticky babies to decide to stay around permanently. I am doing very well, probably because I have been quite distracted. I have also been forcing myself to be very positive and not worry about the future.

I will find out sometime in the next two weeks if this attempt was a success. Quite honestly, I don't know the exact date, and quite honestly, I'm not sure where I will go for my blood test. I'll have to figure that out when we move in. This morning, my mother will also practice giving me my progesterone shot being as tomorrow morning, John will be at Eglin already while we are getting ready to make the drive ourself, and she'll be on her own.

All right, I'm going to curl up on the couch and see if I can get a little snooze in before I take JB and Rob to get their rental car.

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