Thursday, June 20, 2024

Life Right Now

I am doing really well.It feels so good to be able to say that.






If I am being honest, I know there will probably be another dip. And anytime I am in a dip I think: "Will I feel this way forever?" It is the weirdest thing to just not completely feel like yourself. And it's hard to believe you won't feel that way forever. 

Here are some things going on in our life while things are going well for me.

  • Isaac will participate in his SECOND weekend of Sound of Music coming up.
  • Isaac is DRIVING! He has his license!
  • Hannah has been helping Grama all week babysitting little two-year-old cousin, Russ. His Mom (Aunt Katie) works full-time. His Dad (Uncle Eddie) is trying to finish the new baby's bedroom. After 17 years married, Katie finds herself pregnant at 41 and 43!
  • Aunt Betsy has moved here! Aunt Betsy is Grama's older sister. She has left South Florida after living nearly her entire life there. 
  • Sidge has his cast off. He's in a wrist brace now. 
  • Abigail has a break from ballet right now. It's really nice to have a TRUE summer vacation. 
  • My cousin Cara, who has been my ROCK during this journey is out of town, and I am living without her :)
  • I'm busy working on preparing for THREE main classes I will be "teaching this upcoming school year. I'm going to be writing about that in a separate post. 
I'm excited that I will be able to write more here ... not only about what I am learning but just about life in general!

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