Saturday, March 23, 2024

I am going to try ...

 ... to write each day. To write what I am learning and thinking and growing in. 

Here's what I know. My body kind of "broke" emotionally. But I've realized why! I've realized that I taught myself to please PEOPLE instead of the Lord. It seems simple. But it's not quite that simple. But I am working through it and HEALING. And I will come out stronger in the end.

It's easy for people to say to me: "Just don't worry about others." But in my mind, it becomes SO much more. And I have a really challenging time with it. However, I am going to learn how to improve in this area. 

It's that simple. 


Thank you to those of you who have checked on me. I'm not going anywhere and will be Blogging more regularly. (I hope.) 

Stay tuned for thoughts from Wendi :)

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