Saturday, February 03, 2024

How do so many ...

 ... days go by since I posted last?

It's so interesting to me that I feel I had more time for this type of thing when the kids were younger. The amount of activities that we are doing seem to take me away from home way more than I ever imagined.

I've decided that no one should give advice on parenting until they have teenagers. I don't mean that completely of course. People need advice. And I gave lots of sleep advice when my kids were little. But parenting teenagers is quite a different ballgame. 

I was a high school teacher and a coach so I think I knew this intuitively, but I don't know if I really felt it until recently. Children move from these adorable little babies to these chunky little toddlers and suddenly, they are preparing to launch into the real world? They don't want you. But they need you. Or do they? 

John's schedule means we can go days without really "being" with him and then we can get him in a big ol' helping. I wish we had him home every evening. And yet, that's not what our life is. 

I'm understanding how quickly this parenthood thing will be over. My boys will only have three more years before they could actually launch into the world! How crazy is that? 

So much emotion and learning and loving and FEAR.

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