Thursday, February 08, 2024

A Typical Wednesday


Wednesdays are a day here that usually feel very "ordinary." The kids have youth group in the evening (Abigail and the boys). But otherwise, we are home. 

But yesterday, the ordinary got a little bit bigger. Gramps and Grama are out of town and JB was working. Little Hannah (the "Pomegranate" -- as we affectionately call her so she doesn't get confused with Aunt Hannah) needed to get to the Kotynski's house for school. She schools there four days a week with Aunt Hannah and her best friend Genevieve and other cousin, Eoin. Sidge also needed to get to the gas station on the corner by our house. (It's actually 3.7 miles exactly from our house.) 

So I drove Sidge to the corner by the gas station at 9am. He was meeting the Waddell family. They were going to let him "tag along" to the aquarium in Pigeon Forge. Sidge's high school Marine Biology class was dissecting a shark. This is the second animal they have dissected with Ripley's Aquarium. I'm so thankful for such an incredible class like this one is with Ms. Aliceson Bales. 

After dropping Sidge, I took Hannah to the gas station and then headed home. I spent the next few hours doing a combo of farm work / house work / school work. I needed to take some sheep paddock down. There are always jobs around the house. And I was working to get ahead for the two classes I am teaching at the co-op each Monday. Our family is going to be going on a BIG vacation, and I want to make sure I don't leave anything "untied" before I go.

By 4:00p, it was time to return to the gas station to pick up Sidge -- who had a great time. Aunt Hannah returned the Pomegranate to me. I got everyone some quick dinner, and then I was off to Youth Group. I dropped the boys off at 5:30p and then went over to the house of my friends': Daniel and Rachel. Their youngest two do not go to youth, and if I sat at the house, Daniel and Meredith could work Youth Group without having to make them tag along.

By the time I got home, it was 9:30p. John was home from work and with the girls, and I was off to bed. 

And then .... it was Thursday. 

The days are like that here. They aren't very BIG really. Lots of tiny, little things. I am so enjoying the sun being out after a very gray winter!

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