Friday, August 02, 2019

We Bought a Farm: The Week in Snaps

Well keeping with my less-than-daily posts right now, here are some more snapshots of what's going on around the farm. I've truly not remembered a time where I feel I have less time to sit down and Blog. The work is good. It's hard, but it is rewarding. We are getting to do a lot of it in community with my cousin's family, the grandparents, Tijmen, Jacob, and John's sister and her boys who are also in town staying at the grandparents' house. But it's still been a lot. Here are some photos showing a little of what's been going on around these parts.

 Little Pierce taking a nap on me at the vet.

 Gabe helped me take the puppies to the vet for their six week vet appointment. That's the last of them for me. After this, they are off to their new homes and their new parents.
Hannah hanging out with Mr. Tijmen (and giving me the stink-eye) while he is speaking to his mom on the phone in Dutch.
Sidge helping load up chickens. The 300 meat birds we have spent two weeks in the brooder and yesterday we all helped catch them and load them up into chicken tractors that are out in the field. 
Abigail helping to catch the last of our meat chickens.  
 Our garden has been yielding cantaloupes that are absolutely MARVELOUS! Well done Jacob -- our main gardener around these parts.
 Isaac teaching little Chewie how to play "Ticket to Ride."
 Our guineas have taken to roosting on the top of our Ninja Course and they are sooooo loud. Tijmen and Jacob have started giving them a little squirt down. It works wonders and keeps them quiet for a few minutes.
 Speaking of guineas, one of them hatched eight little babies. All five of the guineas seem to be taking care of them together. We are down to four now and hoping at least a few can make it to adulthood. 
 Can't say enough about these two guys. They've become so dear to our family and I truly count them as my friends. So blessed that Jacob and Tijmen call our farm their "second home."
 An attempt at getting all 8 puppies and their Mama in the picture.

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