Sunday, April 21, 2024

My Thank You Post (to Newsies peeps)

With Eliza Girton. I got to teach her in middle school English/History this year at co-op and have been at Heritage with their family since 2015!

Cousin Gabe (with a little Joni squished in)

Me with Isaac; he plays numerous characters through this production including Darcy, a scab, and a Brooklyn Newsie.

Amelie! Amelie is a friend from church/ballet. She has ALWAYS wanted to be in Newsies and landed her dream role. 

Our friend Bailee Price (her mom Jessica disappeared!)

Two CBT girls (Katy and Grace) who did a LOT of dance in the show.

A special young woman in my life: Katy Higgins.

Owen was OUTSTANDING. He attends Towering Oaks Christian School and was simply AMAZING. This is Katy and her mom with him. 

Here is the note I posted on the Facebook page for Tusculum's Newsies Cast & Crew. This was where all the parents (and kids -- who mostly used their parent's Facebook account since Facebook isn't really a thing the young people do as much as the old people) communicated about the show.

I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you. There are so many people to thank ...

Most of you know, I’m an athlete. A jock. I haven’t the slightest idea about theatre or music or the arts. Like, seriously, I’m a nincompoop when it comes to anything not involving athletics.
But God, in his great sense of humor, made 3 of my 4 children with a love for dance and theatre and all things musical and the arts. (The fourth likes nature — not sports either!)
While we discovered Isaac had a knack for music when he started piano lessons years ago, we never saw theatre coming. Had he not taken Kristin Girton’s homeschool theatre class just two year ago, I’m not sure we’d have known. And then Gracie Weems directed his first show and encouraged him beyond measure. He was hooked.
Not one of my children play a ball sport (alas!) but last night, while I watched the show for the third time, I thought THIS is teaching even more than a ball sport ever taught me.
The kindness and encouragement and friendship and camaraderie among this group of humans has blown my socks off. Both my husband John Kitsteiner and I feel so incredibly fortunate to have Isaac learning so much from so many different teachers of all ages. We are very protective parents, but we know this group is safe and has his back.
Steve Schultz, I almost tear up everytime I see you because, as someone who coached and taught, I know what this show has taken from you in time and energy and LIFE. It’s huge. And it matters. It matters to the confidence and poise and lessons and all the things my son has learned. And he’s just 1 of dozens and dozens! (And Erin Hensley Schultz … this goes equally for you!)
So, while a thank you is just a thank you … this is a BIG one. Truly. Blown away. Blessed beyond measure. Thankful to God for Greeneville and surprises I never saw coming.

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