Thursday, March 14, 2019

Daddy-daughter dates

"A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous." 

JB's job is always feast or famine. He was working so many days in a row during the first part of the month. And now he has six days off. So we are making up for lost time. Today Abigail had ballet and the boys had karate. These activities are in the same studio. So while they were all doing their karate/ballet thing, JB took each of the four for some one-on-one time at our church's coffee shop right around the corner. These were a few pictures he captured of our girls on a date with their Daddy:

I love that Abigail is wearing her maroon sweater that she wears everywhere. And Hannah is in her favorite overalls with her Daddy's hat.

To go from not thinking we'd ever have any kids to having two boys, the thought of ever parenting a girl -- nevertheless two -- was something that I couldn't have even begun to dream. People talk about wanting kids of a certain sex. Once infertility entered the picture, I never dreamed of anything but being a mom.

I vividly remember turning to reproductive endocrinologist before our second IVF withdraws and saying, "Just one. If I could just have one child, I will be complete."

And now four.

Two boys.

And these two little girls.

May the miracle never be lost on me,

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