Monday, March 25, 2019

Doing some girl hair

"She's the exclamation mark in the happiest sentence I would ever write."

Yesterday was a fun day. JB was off of work on a Sunday which is always exciting for us. We went to church together, lunch, and then went and saw "Broadway on Greeneville" where four gals we knew were performing with world-famous Broadway stars.

Hannah wanted to have a "very curly pony tail." She wanted the hair high enough that she could see it in the mirror. Abigail, as is often the case, doesn't have nearly the opinions of Hannah as to what she wants, but she is often very specific in what she doesn't want.

I say it often, but it's because it is so very true. Infertility robbed me of my dreams of having children. I quit dreaming of whether I would have boys or girls or how many children I would have. I just wanted to get to be a mom one time.

And somehow -- I have four. Two of each. And two beautiful girls that melt my heart regularly.


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