Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Coloring in the rain

My boys didn't get "in" to coloring until we moved here to the Azores. I tried and tried to get them color. They just didn't want to. But in the last six months, Isaac has become obsessed with coloring. He loves it! He wants to color all the time. Sidge is really enjoying the coloring too although he doesn't usually last quite as long as Isaac. We are also doing a little bit of "homeschooling" with workbooks where we color and work on numbers and letters.

I have run out of ideas for what to do with all the papers they color! I hang up about half. The other half I have put in the "kindling" basket (of which Isaac will see and say, "Mom, this accidentally ended up the fireplace basket.")

Abigail, however, has taken to coloring way before her big brothers. She loves it. She's a maniac! She colors and colors, shows me the picture (like her brothers do so I can oooh and ahhhh and then returns to the coloring.)

We usually spend an hour a day or so coloring -- a great activity -- especially considering the abundance of rain and wind the island is facing right now!

1 comment:

Dana said...

To avoid my observant kids like issac thinking i threw out their art I have "wallpapered"
My bedroom with all the drawings I can the rest get scanned and made into virtual scrap books on laptop! It seemed to really bother my kids when they were younger if I threw out any of their drawings. Thankfully the older 2 at 13 and almost 17 have outgrown younger 2 (8&6) still like seeing their artwork displayed!