Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dear Child,

You were conceived outside of my body
Eight years ago.
You had many brothers and sisters who were conceived with you
In a cold lab in Minnesota.
Eleven times one of those children were dropped into my womb.
Ten times we were told that the child did not live.

And then there was you.

You are the one shooting star who has stayed with us.
When you arrive, sometime in September,
You will have two big brothers, a big sister
And a big dog.
All of whom were conceived after you
But who will be older than you.

Right now dear child, I am very sick
And some days I forget that the reason why
Is that you are growing --
My body is working hard to help you grow.

But I know the joy that you will bring to our lives.
The joy that we will feel
When we get to meet you.
Our only baby via IVF.
I pray for that joy and peace to arrive soon
But no matter when, I will pray for you
And dream of you
And thank the Lord for the one child out of eleven
Who will join us on this Earth.

Thank you God for this blessing.
Everything is from you --
Our spotted miracle
Our adopted miracle
Our surprise son
Our surprise daughter
And now, our little IVF miracle.


Marina said...

Hello, I just read your blog post and loved your beautiful words ... Every word has its special meaning ....
You are a blessed a mother and baby is a baby also blessed and very very lucky to have a mother like you and father and brothers and a sister so beautiful and special, you all are a beautiful family, many congratulations kisses

Unknown said...

It will get better Wendy. I was extremely sick with both of mine for the whole 9 months! To be honest, it was horrible. I hated being pregnant. But the good thing is that sickness will all go away. It does seem like an eternity sometimes, but it's not. I won't be like some people and say you will forget it, but it just won't matter anymore. And you little ones now, will only remember how awesome you are. When you are feeling extra sick, you are still Mommy to them!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your beautiful blog. My heart was deeply touched by your journey. This grandmother waited nearly 20 years to see her son have the delight of a child, and to now see triplet grandsons romping through their home and filling their hearts and home with delight is a greater joy than I can express. I thank God for the wonder of IVF. What a gift we were all given! Grammy Julie

Joia said...

This. Is. Awesome. You are truly amazing, friend. =)

SuzanneinAustralia said...

So beautiful Wendi

Dr. Linda said...

Love this. Brought me to tears.

Jenny said...

So beautiful Wendi!