Monday, February 04, 2013

Another note tucked in Grama's Bible

"Does it matter what the day looks like outside? Am not I your light, your joy, and all that you need? Day after day I am yours; yours to hear you, your to lighten your load, yours to hear and answer your prayers. I am all yours. You are all mine. And together, as we go, the light goes with us. So shine, yes, shine, in my glory. Be bold to proclaim who you are in me, your Christ, your Savior, your Lord. And as you speak in boldness, I will back my word up with gifts of power displayed so the world will come to me and participate in all I have for them. Yes, so be bold as a lion. Strike out with my word, with my promises. And as you go, you will see my glory manifested. I am coming soon. Be ready and be bold. Be all I've asked you to be for my glory. And as usual, I am faithful. I am merciful. And these signs will show up as you go. So go now. Enjoy me. And then, as you praise and worship me, the streams will start flowing to me, streams of the called ones. So rejoice. Again I say rejoice! My word is so. My word is great. My word is me. Praise the Lord!" -- Grama Gertrude Huisman (February 21, 1993).

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