Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Commercials ...

... are a completely foreign thing to my kiddos. We don't have them in Turkey. Shows run uninterrupted. And if they do take a break during a show, it is only to feature military news. On Monday evening, a special Jake and the Neverland Pirates movie was on. My boys don't have this show at home, but have fallen in love with it here, so they were very excited to watch it before bed.

Only, why was it going off and coming back on? Elijah kept asking, "Can we watch it again?" Here's Isaac expressing his disapproval of these commercial thingies.

1 comment:

Heather said...

ohhh, I think they do play this on an AFN channel (the family/kids one) back here in Turkey...but I don't remember the time. I caught it a few times and watched it was cute!