Monday, March 21, 2011

Another look back at Tarsus

I finally obtained Sarah's copies of pictures from our recent trip to Tarsus which I wrote about last week. I wanted to share a few of them with you:

Here is the nice couple who run the coffee shop we have stopped at each visit to Tarsus.

Beautiful gardens by St. Paul's well.

A nice picture of Stebbs and I with our boys.

A walk down the street. Stebbs' Mom is hand-in-hand with Isaac here!

Trying to get a closer look at the ancient Roman road.

Stebbs and her Mom with a non-enthused William.

What a wonderful Mom Stebbs has. It's always so neat to get an "inside" look at the people we call family here on Base! Thanks for raising such a great daughter "Mama Stebbs"!

1 comment:

Cha Cha B said...

Your trip to Tarsus looked so much better than ours, but ours was cut short. Now I'm going to have to give it another try.