This kid! I just never feel like this Blog does who she is justice. My cousin's family passed down a few items of clothing. This is always a big deal to Hannah. It's like Christmas. Only better.
One of these items was a Christmas pajama dress? That's what I think it is. I'm honestly not sure.
First, Hannah asked if her Daddy could cut holes in the sleeves since they were a little long so she could wear them like gloves.
He obliged.
But then she decided that instead of it being "long" she wanted it to be short like a shirt.
I told her that you can't just go around cutting dresses to make shirts. (Even my non-sewing self knows this won't work.) Thinking I would dissuade her from the idea I said: "If you wanted to do that, we'd have to take it to Ms. Faye, and pay her to make you a shirt."
"How much would it cost?" Hannah asked.
"At least five dollars," I said, knowing that Ms. Faye always undercharges us for her amazing seamstress work.
"Okay," Hannah said. "I got five dollars from the tooth fairy!"
(The tooth fairy always give a $5 bill for the very first tooth a kid loses. After that it drops to $1. Unless you have to get a tooth pulled. Then she leaves $2. Although, none of my kids believe in the tooth fairy anyways.)
"You want to use all your tooth fairy money to get this dress made into a shirt? Instead of a toy?" I'm not sure if that's a good idea. We will have to talk to Daddy."
She did. She ran out of the room to find him and tell him her plan. I couldn't believe she really wanted to spend money to see one of her "fashion visions" come true.
I'm more convinced than ever that one of the greatest gifts I can give this child ...
is a sewing machine.
(And good lessons. From someone that is not me.)

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