"Introverts are word economists in a society suffering from verbal diarrhea." Michael Chung
I had a friend mention they hadn't seen Isaac on the Blog in awhile. There are two main reasons:
1) Isaac had the flu. :( He was down and out for about two weeks. This poor guy gets hit so much harder than his siblings when an illness runs through the house. Mostly just due to how he is wired and his asthma. We are pretty sure that JB had the flu too, but since there is no call-in-sick-policy for physicians (don't get me started on that) he kept going on as normal. (Yes, everyone had had the flu shot here.)
2) Isaac is an introvert. Flat out. No question about it. He and Abigail are definitely introverts. He's quite "private" by nature. He avoids pictures, will tell me "don't blog about that" and will stop playing the piano if he senses a video capturing it. He has always been this way. I mostly try to respect his wishes, and keep things private and let him fly under the radar a bit.
But his piano ... oh this guy's piano. It makes my Mama heart soar to hear him on the piano. His piano teacher is having perform at festival this year -- the only piano student she is taking and the youngest student (4th grade) she has ever taken. She has told us that she will only teach him for another year or two before she encourages us to move to another teacher in town who is more suited to Isaac's needs.
The kid speaks music like a first language. The other day JB asked him what he was playing and he said: "You know Moonlight Sonata? Well I'm playing that. Backwards. And in a different key."
I continue to take piano ... like walking through the mud. I have thought about quitting every other day. John has asked me to stick with it for right now. We've been in a very busy season, and I don't want to throw in a towel I will later regret throwing, but I just don't have the time for it.
"Aaahhh," but JB says, "We only have time for what we are passionate about."
(He is retelling a statement made by an old German man when we were vacationing when JB told the guy he isn't learning Turkish because he didn't have time.)
"Aaahhh," the old man said, "We only have time for what we are passionate about."
So I'm passionate about writing. And studying Turkish. And raising my kids where the green grass grows. But piano? I dunno about that.
I think this video very accurately shows the great divide between mother and son (who started lessons at the same time.)
If you are interested, Isaac jumps in at 2:16. Literally. The song takes me like four times as long as it does him? (Did I do my math right? Not sure.)

1 comment:
Wendi, you are so hilarious! The faces are hysterical! Good for you keeping it up! If you can sit down when you are an old lady, and play a good ol hymn, you will be happy with yourself! Keep up the good work! Isaac is awesome! That is so cool that he is going with his teacher to a music festival to play! Isaac, you rock buddy! You make me smile with your wonderful confidence and great piano playing! N
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