"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men." Herman Melville
I have said it time and time again on this Blog. I love our homeschool community. I pray it is there to get me through the graduation of each of my kids.
Every Monday for to twenty week semesters, we meet at a local Baptist church, and educate our children in a cooperative. Sidge is in a class called "Snapshots." Each week, the students take a field trip around Greene County (or a speaker comes in).
This past week they went to the NPAC for some behind-the-scenes fun!
The week before that they got to meet the Greene County Mayor, Kevin Morrison:
How cool is that?!
Oh and apparently my Sidge asks some very interesting questions. I didn't get any farther than that. Just that he's a good question-asker.

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