Friday, January 18, 2019

We Bought a Farm: Who Needs CrossFit?

Today was one of those farm days that literally ... 


Here's my truth: 

Ever since I have started farming, I honestly just can't imagine exercising any other way. 

Don't get me wrong. I understand why people do exercise other ways. But for me ... now ... I can't imagine exercising without my farm included. 

My LIFE is like CrossFit. Except I am doing exercises that need to be done on the farm. 

And so I have been thinking about this fact.

Why don't people stop doing Crossfit and instead just find a local farm and help them do hard labor work on their farm? Farmers would have free labor and exercisers wouldn't need to pay money to exercise.

(I'm semi-joking here but not really.)

I'm also amazed, as the above video shows, by how much I have learned about trees and nature and all that kind of stuff. Listen to how smart I sound on this video!


1 comment:

Joia said...

What kind of trees are you growing?? Is this an orchard of some kind? Wow!!