Monday, January 29, 2024

Good night Rapunzel

Hannah took 24 hours before washing the green out of her hair. Putting this character “away” is incredibly painful. I never would have understood this had I not watched my daughter do it. Newton became a person to her and not being Newton anymore is going to be tough! 

But she’s been transformed by this opportunity. We are so thankful to Marilyn DuBrisk, LoriAnn Sparks, Mauren Sparks, and Kristin Girton for helping her bring this opportunity into being. 

Here is the short note I wrote to her mentors: 

Thank you all for entrusting our Hannah Joy Pomegranate with this huge honor and role. It was inspiring and monumental and truly transformative for her ten-year-old little self. She asked for "one more day" with her green hair and ribbons, so tonight, before taking a shower, she took a picture with all of her fun mementos. John and I didn't grow up in the arts so we are learning as we go, but the positive impact of this show, not only on Hannah but on our entire family is beyond words. 

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