Monday, January 08, 2024

A Good Life

No one has a perfect life. And my life isn't nearly as "idyllic" as people may think it is. But man, sometimes, I need to watch a video like the ones below, to see some of the beauty in my life.

The video above is of our sheep. We have had 33 babies born this season. And .... we still have 18 Mamas left to go. This is a story of success because we have been raising sheep now since 2015. For those eight years, we have had a plan. And this season, the plan sort of "came together." To be honest, this is because of my husband's intense research and "goals" for our farm. He "culled" hard for 8 seasons. This means we got rid of Mamas we didn't really want to get rid of simply because they weren't ... stellar. If a Mama abandoned a baby, we usually got rid of them. If a baby was weak, we didn't prop it up with medicines. We simply let nature do it's thing and let the fittest continue with our flock. And this year .... it happened. Nearly every sheep has twinned. There are babies everywhere. And we haven't had a single death in our little lambs. It's been amazing. We have had three that we decided to "rehome." Our friend Anni took one boy and our friends Kirk & Julia D. took two little girls. These lambs "might" have made it, but we were a little concerned about their Mom's attention and decided to rehome them. But otherwise. Wow! So very cool. 

The second video below is short and sweet. This past weekend, our little Pomegranate spent the night with her cousin Genevieve at Genevieve's grandparents house. These grandparents are also my Uncle and Aunt. Aunt Janet took them shopping, and Hannah picked out a very cool barbie car. I filmed this video so Hannah could say thank you for the gift. But when I sent it to Aunt Jan, she replied: "Your house seems so peaceful." Man, it did! Music in the background, dog laying by the fire .... all the things you really want for your life. Sometimes, we need a video clip to remind ourselves that there IS peace (sometimes).


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