Saturday, October 12, 2019

Some Snaps from our Week

I absolutely love this picture of my niece, Genevieve, and Ritter. (I call my cousin's kids nieces and nephews because it is just easier). Ritter is such a lover! He lets anyone and everyone lay all over him. 

Genevieve and Hannah with their ballet teacher -- Ms. Meg. She's a senior at Central Ballet and heads up their class which is quite an endeavor ... my Hannah is truly there for the socializing. 

It was Fall Break here in TN. This meant that our friend, Bailee, who goes to public school, was off for the week. Bailee is a church AND ballet friend. So she spent four days with us this week! We had a blast. On Tuesday she joined us for all our errands before ballet. 

She jumped right into our homeschooling. She participated in things she liked, played with whoever was on break, and read her book if nothing else fit for her. 
We learned to draw cats in our online art program.  
Go Bailee!

John also let the kiddos try the first persimmon of the fall. Here's an important fact: if a persimmon is not ripe it is AWFUL. (Think a mouth full of cotton balls.) If it is ripe, it is UH-maz-ing!

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