Monday, October 07, 2019

Review: Progeny Press Study Guides

I am doing a video review for Progeny Press. Specifically, we are reviewing two of their e-guides: Little House on the Prairie Study Guide (Grades 4-6) and Hound of the Baskervilles Study Guide (Grades 9-12). You will also notice that our review team reviewed two other products so please take the time to check out some of the other reviews by clicking the link below:

Study Guides for Literature {Progeny Press Reviews}

You can also find out more about Progeny Press by visiting them at: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.

My video was getting lengthy so I didn't mention every single thing about this product. Here are some points you won't hear about tin the video that I think are worth including:
  • One thing I didn't mention in the video specifically is that these guides are reproducible. That means you can use them with multiple students! A real win! Once you buy it, you own it and can use it again for other students in your family. 
  • There are full Pinterest boards for each and every guide for more hands-on projects for kinesthetic learners.  

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