Wednesday, October 23, 2019

J. K. Rowling can WRITE!

I didn't grow up celebrating traditional Halloween. And my parents were very cautious about movies and books we read or watched. (I wasn't allowed to watch E.T. for instance.) 

However, JB and I have approached things a little differently as parents. JB, especially, when raising boys, thinks the the fight between good and evil is a huge part of how boys grow and relate and enjoy literature and movies. He likens Harry Potter to other great good vs. evil stories: Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings and all the Superhero movies just to name a few. 

I argued with John about Star Wars and HP for a long time, and finally I acquiesced and decided to let my husband make the decisions when it came to what the boys could read and watch. As the girls have come of age, I've piped in a bit more, but mostly, this decision is left to my hubby. 

I definitely believe there is a spiritual aspect to my faith. I believe there is a Satan and a Hell and demons and angels. And I don't take that lightly. But we have chosen, in our family, to have fun with good books and movies that we think are simply ... fun and not meant to do anything more than entertain. 

Again, if you disagree, I totally respect that decision for your family. No argument for me. I don't think your children will be harmed by not reading or watching the HP series.  Whether you agree with our decision or not is really not why I am writing. 

So, the point of my post!

That being said ...

I love to read. And as a writer, I love to read good writing. 

About a decade ago, I started the Harry Potter series. I am not sure what happened, but somehow, somewhere after the first or second book, I didn't keep going, and I convinced myself I wasn't into it. I didn't enjoy the movies either. Bor-ing. 

Enter my husband and my two boys. They devoured the series. John started reading them to the boys, and then they started reading them themselves, and a few months ago, Sidge asked me if I would please try to give Harry Potter another chance.

I begrudgingly agreed.

And I am soooo glad I did. 

I have absolutely loved loved loved this series. And while I could give you all kinds of reasons, let me just say it this simply: 

J.K. Rowling is ... brilliant. She is simply an amazing writer. I keep reading  a sentence, a paragraph, a chapter, and thinking .... how did she do that? or I wish I could write like that. 

Amazing. Truly one of the best authors I have ever read. Brilliant!

Again, I totally respect those of you who aren't reading it. But simply based on the quality of her writing, I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE fan. And ... I am on Book #7 (nearly done!) so please don't include ANY spoilers in any comments!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I completely agree! I was torn as a Christian on reading this with my son, but then realized that The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe have magic in it too and that is widely popular with Christian as good fiction. As long as we keep our focus and have discussions, then it is nothing wrong with reading this excellent writer, as you said :)