Monday, May 27, 2013

Island changes

Well the locals said the rains should stop in May and boy were they were right. It's as if God's big hands just turned off the faucet. While there have been some drippy days here and there (today, for one), for the most part, while we were home in the USA, the rain and winds just skidded to a stop. Everyone told us that while the rains from January until May are pretty normal, this year's winter was much more intense then year's past -- both in temperature, wind, and rain. The sunshine and absence of wind and rain is such a beautiful gift! I've always loved rain, but boy there can be too much of a good thing that's for sure.

In addition, I am not sure I have mentioned on my blog the fact that this Base (Lajes) is preparing to shut down next year (sometime in the fall of 2014). Apparently, it will continue to operate but on a very limited basis. There will be no families and just a handful of airman. This shut down is a strange thing. This fall will bring the last group of families into Lajes. So while we continue to live here, things will get smaller and smaller. Military bases always have people coming and going. It will be very strange to just have people going and no one coming once the fall hits. As of right now, our family is due to leave in June of 2014 -- about this time next year. That means we are halfway through this assignment.

I keep hoping that my blog will pick back up. That my writing will pick back up. Stay tuned! I am hopeful that there will be more words than there have been over the last few months.

But, right now,  I still find myself at a bit of a loss for words. Emotionally, I feel like I am doing much better. But physically, the last few days have brought me some more bad morning sickness days. I want so badly to feel like myself again and want to write again. But I have to just keep praying, keep spending time with the Lord, keep taking one day at a time, and keep waiting for whatever He has next for me and our family.

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