Friday, January 06, 2012

The Pepper Plant

If you enjoy reading about our family, you definitely need to hop over to my husband's blog, to read a fun story about Elijah and his pepper plant. 

It is almost dead.  Still barely clinging to life.  There is but one leaf that still has some green on it.  It never grew more than about ten inches tall, but it did produce one pepper.  This pathetic little pepper plant, probably the one plant that has thrived the least, is by far my favorite plant in the garden.

The reason is because my son planted it.  One day toward the end of the summer, when the blazing heat of our Mediterranean sun was at last less intense, at the time of year that was a bit too late to plant summer garden vegetables, I had a tray of seedlings that I finally got around to planting in the garden ... Click here to read more. 


Jenny said...

Good grief... I darn near cried reading that! I blame to post-pregnancy hormones! In all seriousness... that was a great post!

Grama Di said...

That was a really sweet post by JB.
Such a good daddy!