Monday, January 23, 2012

Love these them boys

The video above is me "getting" Elijah to tell us about his friend Aksel. He's getting better at it, but you can hear that the word comes out sounding quite different than it is supposed to.

And here are some other recent funnies. Below:
When told they could pick two cars to bring to the tub with them, a crabby Isaac said, "I don't want a couple cars. I want two."
I could not, for the life of me, figuring out why Isaac calls vanilla wafers "put up cookies." Can I have some put up cookies, Mommy?" He keeps asking. Finally we figured it up. I am always saying, "No, I need to put those up." Sigh ... and somehow he translated that into the cookies being called "put up cookies."
When getting ready to go pick up JB from work, I told the boys to quickly pick out something they could "wear on their feet." Isaac picked brown shoes. Elijah picked his boots, but then thinking it would be more fun to go barefoot said, "No. Wait Mommy. Could I wear my toes?"
On our snow trip, we brought little packets of pringles potato chips. These are 100 calorie chip containers with red (plain), yellow (cheddar), and green (sour cream) tops based on the types of chips inside. When Isaac asked for some red chips, Elijah told him, "They are not red chips. They are yellow chips."
A great marker of the differences between my boys came when I asked them if they wanted some cookies on our trip. Elijah immediately says, "Yeah!" And Isaac says, "Hmmm ... what kind are they?"
Going potty at Rana's house, she walked in to find Elijah trying to reach into the toilet. Apparently there was a fly in there that he was interested in touching. Rana squealed to try and get him to stop touching the water, and Elijah jumped and said, "Did the fly bit me?"
Our friend Stebbs is a second grade teacher and knows the "lingo" for kids. She often reminds the boys to "use their words" instead of hitting. On our trip to the mountains, Isaac hit Elijah, and I told him, "Remember what Stebbs says?" And Isaac replied by saying, "Stebbs is not here on this trip with us Mommy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, elijah sure looks like jb in the first pic!