Then a box arrived. Then the box was opened. Then the opened contents moved into our upstairs bathroom.
I love my husband but I had to ask. I had to question. I had to ascertain whether there was anywhere else in our house that these mushrooms could grow.
He explained that they need a moist, damp "climate." They also needed a place where they could get some light but a limited amount.
"I can't think of anywhere else we can put them but in our bathroom," he explained.
Again, I love my husband, and I love his incredible love for nature. We have had snakes and plants of all sorts growing in our home at different times. I've had black widows in Tupperware containers. I have come home to find a sign that read: "Caution. Wild birds in bathroom." We have tended to hurt bunnies and birds and studied spiders. We have had books on everything and anything in our home.
In fact, I remember my cousin Josh telling me that he knew he had spent too much time with JB when: "I saw a book in your living room entitled: Swine Science and I actually thought about flipping through it."
But mushrooms in the bathroom? Hatice saw them. She said: "Me like this."
But I'm not sure I do.
P.S. And yes these are mushrooms you eat. From our bathroom to our pasta dishes and salads. I kid you not.
I have one thing to say... eeeeeewwww!
Linda :D
What do you expect from such a "fungi"?
Sorry, couldn't resist:)
Your life will never be boring!
love you,
mom k
I'm so impressed with the growing of mushrooms and your ability to put up with that in your bathroom. You are an awesome wife.
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