I love the community on this Base! I mentioned to my neighbor Emily that I didn't have any costumes for Halloween. I had one cowboy outfit that
Joia had passed off to me but the boys just didn't want to put it on. I told her I would think of something, but she thought of something for me! On Friday morning, the day before my Mom and Joni went home, Emily left two costumes that her kids have outgrown by my front door.
I really did not think the boys would want to wear them. Especially Isaac. He can be quite particular. But boy did he prove me wrong. He was so excited to be Clifford! He didn't want to take it off.
***As a side note, I am not an endorser of celebrating "Halloween" in the traditional sense. We don't do scary costumes or celebrate death or the Devil. But I do think this event can be done in a tasteful way to simply provide a fun day for kids and adults. I also think you can put a Christian "spin" on the holiday. For instance, cleaning out a pumpkin is how God cleans out our hearts of sin. That sort of thing.
***I would love to hear what your kids dressed up as and what you think of Halloween.
Here we are fixing Elijah's costume after accidentally putting it on backward the first time.
The mirror was on Isaac's left. He loved seeing himself.
Elijah thought the lion, while a bit big, was fantastic. He got the roar down and everything.
We decided to "practice" trick-or-treating by knocking on Emily's door. She and her four kids were home and even brought out candy to help teach the boys how this all works.
Taking a long look at that bowl of candy.
Sucking on a lollipop.
Isaac picking out his candy. After this we went over to Ms. Barbara's on the other side of us for another practice round. Way fun!
You can just see their brains working: "Man, we look good!"
Kaia was a duck! I guess I didn't even realize that Halloween had a "negative" aspect to it. I can't imagine NOT doing it with our kids...I have so many fun memories growing up of my mom making our costumes, carving pumpkins and trick-or-treating with dad! Plus...I can't wait to dress our kids up every year! :)
Love the boys' costumes! So fun!
My sister in law has a great blog where she talks about how as Christians we can celebrate Halloween in a fun way. Here is the link to her blog. http://glittermagic.wordpress.com/page/2/
Check out her post on Oct. 10th.
Pretty cute:)Glad they had such a good time!
grandma k
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