Monday, January 17, 2022

2022 "Snow of the Year"

We don't get a lot of snow around these parts. Usually we will get 2-3 snows a year maximum that are sled-worthy. Three inches is considered ... considerable when it comes to snow. 

Last night was the night! On Sunday evening we were at ballet and the snow started coming down. (We also had to get stitches for one of the Kotysnki kiddos, but I'll update that later.) We headed home and it kept snowing until mid-day today. Probably about three inches in total, but plenty for SNOW. Zach and Zoey, Geneveieve and Eoin, and my youngest four all sledded and also had fun making snow wars. Here are some pictures and videos courtesy of my sister wife, Erin!
I love Abigail's hair here! It's so "Elsa". 


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