Friday, May 22, 2020

We Bought a Farm: Do You Wanna Build a Treehouse?

We LOVE our farm. But even perfect places aren't really perfect. This farm doesn't have a lot of good trees to climb that are not in the forest. While the kids like the woods, they are far from the house and a little "scary" to go in all by themselves. 

Yesterday, Sidge discovered the Mulberry trees on the backside of a place we call the "Thunder Dome" have gotten large enough to e great climbing trees. John helped him get the beginnings of a Tree House set up. He's so excited about this adventure. 

All four kids (and the Kotysnki kids) have been out there quite a bit ... we are so grateful for this farm and all the adventures it provides right outside our house.

Here's a few pictures Grama took today of the kids in the trees:

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