Sunday, November 10, 2019

We Bought A Farm

We are a team. 
Over two decades together. 
He loves me fiercely.
He adores his kids.
He’s incredibly skilled as a physician.
His farm is his sanctuary. 
He leads us purposefully.
His cooking is legendary. 
He encourages me.
His intelligence and skill set is amazing.
He is always present with our children.
He reads to them.
He prays with them.
He guides them.
He takes time with them. 
He likes books and good movies
And being outside every chance he gets.
He is a lover of the Lord
And his family. 
And respectful to everyone he meets.
God guides his hands with those near death
Or those who just need a few stitches. 
I feel so lucky that he picked me to be his wife. 
I feel blessed that we can parent together
After not being sure we could.
I loved him so much I moved to this farm
And fell in love with it too. 
You’re awesome.
We are awesome together!
Thanks for picking me.

P.S. Abigail took this picture and it’s my new favorite of my husband. 

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