Friday, November 13, 2020


This pandemic has dominated our life for months now. Someday I'll look back and this will seem like a BLIP. But right now, the BLIP is a really big BLIP. 

John and I have gone back and forth between silence on social media to speaking up. We try to find the middle ground between staying healthy and making sure that people understand what is REALLY going on. Not just what the media SAYS is going on. 

Years from now ... decades from now ... I wonder what they will say. How this will be framed. Right now, everyone wants to make this about an election. But this is a world-wide problem. How self-centered we are as Americans to think that the world revolves around us!

This is a pandemic. Sure the media blows things out of proportion. But to be honest: I don't watch the news. And I try to pay very little attention to those outside noises.

I wanted to provide some links, for posterity's sake, to posts John has shared about this virus. Here they are:


Debbie said...

The links didn't work for me. Anyone else having problems?

Chesha Oliver said...

I’d love to read JB’s thoughts, but the links aren’t working... anyway to share again? Thank you. ❤️