Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Vacation reading material

Years ago before I had children, I tried to read this series. I think I got midway through Book 2 and lost interest:

My boys have now read the entire series. John is midway thru reading Book 3 to all four kids in their before-bed-bedtime ritual. And Sidge asked that I give it another chance. 

John encouraged me to read it through my kids’ eyes, and I am this time! 

I started Book 1 right before we left for Vermont. I’m now midway thru 2 and really enjoying it! I especially love “getting” something my kids get. 

Right now we are stuck in New York City traffic, but I’m having a blast with my Book (and some Kit Kats!)


Jennifer said...

I read the first 4 books before kids and then stopped. I am now on the 3rd book with my 9 year old son and enjoying reading it so much with him!

TAV said...

I have read 3/8 I think. I tried to start book 1 with Iver (4.5) at bedtime, but it was a bit confusion, character-wise, for now. Maybe in a few years.

Bethany said...

I read the HP series at least once a year...yep, all 7 books once a year. In fact I've just started the series again. I started reading HP just before Rowling released book 5. I purchased books 1-4 in paperback and was so glad I only had to wait a week before I could head to Walmart and get book 5. I love them. What makes me sad is that my boys never got into the series. They had to read the first in 5th grade, but wanted nothing to do with the others. I did read Chamber to them for their Accelerated Reading points, but that's all the further we got. Enjoy.