Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Almost to Jackson

These three lovely ladies and myself have been driving to Jackson, Mississippi. An overnight in Birmingham, and we will be at Ballet MagnificAt! Studios by lunchtime. 

It’s been a pleasant and uneventful drive which is a huge blessing. My biggest frustration is actually sitting in the breakfast area of the hotel right now. This mother walks in with her toddler. She had a screen on for him the entire time. And the show playing is done “happy and you know it” on continual repeat … LOUD. I truly wonder what will happen to these children who aren’t even taught how to sit somewhere without a screen in front of them. 

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I think this every time I see a kid on a screen in a store (often I'm at Walmart). So much talking about the world around us can happen while they're strapped in the cart! I have very clear memories of going up and down the commissary aisles (at Eglin, actually), counting to 100 with my littles. And I'm not opposed to screens - but I wanted to use them when I needed a break too.