Monday, April 12, 2021

Returning to "Real Life"

Today we returned to "real life", like for real. It was time to be done with our homeschooling Spring Break. We'd had a few days to try and break in slowly from living on Pacific Time for awhile. And today, it was time for school.

School means: 9 kids with 9 different color cups to keep it all straight!

School means: Sunlight Curriculum (which I am FOREVER sold on!) and Wendi preparing to teach the five oldest plus ballet-Katy. Lots of "prep" work to be ready to go again. 

Another close-up of the curriculum.

School means: Abigail preparing "her" area. We have found that if she has her own little study area, she does WAY better with school work. 

School means: A close-up of her little "cubby"

School means: School lessons "off the beaten path." Today, cement delivery! We are building a new brooder for our meat chickens. I say "we" in a very loose way. The "we" doesn't involve "me" even a little bit. But our three men in the background (Dad, Jacob, and JB) are working on the cement.

School means: Three men working hard. Our farm wouldn't exist without these guys.

School means: Four little kiddos that make me happy as can be! Eoin "Owen" age 8, Abigail age 9, and our two little ladies age 7. Abigail is in 3rd grade, Eoin in 2nd, and the girls 1st. 


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