Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Puerto Rico!

Last night, our friends Yamil (aka Mr. Meal) and Patty came over to our house for dinner. The best part was? They cooked it! Since their house is mighty small (and their kitchen even smaller) and their household goods still aren't here (we got our's on August 16th when we got here so their shipment is WAY slow), we decided to have the dinner at our house. It was a Puerto Rican delight! Simply scrumptious. And even better? There are leftovers for tonight. Yay!

As far as socializing is concerned, I continue to steadily improve. I am able to converse with people for short bursts of time. I also find it much easier if it is a small group of people that I feel very comfortable with here on Base. Bigger events or occasions with people I don't know well, leave me emotionally spent afterwards. I have also talked to a few people (friends or family from the USA) on the phone -- something I was not able to do in the midst of the worst part of the depression. 

I do not cry much, if at all anymore. I feel more hopeful. I am able to see happiness in events and be a part of them. I am definitely healing. I have been so blessed by so many wonderful friends and family members encouraging me during this difficult time of my life. 

In fact, this past week, I had two different people tell me that they could see the healing in my eyes and in my face. They said that I looked less burdened. This was great to hear! Keep the prayers coming.


Patty PB said...

Mr. Meal looks like his full mouth doesn't let him smile...and I look like I shouldn't be having that second helping of "Picadillo"!! lol! We had a great time and will cook for you guys any day! :)

Gabbs said...

Ha! I knew it! I told mom that looked like Picadillo! I love Picadillo. Wish you could send me some, lol.

Anonymous said...

FYI, it's spelled Puerto Rico.