Friday, November 22, 2024

We Bought a Farm: Things I Never Thought I'd Receive from My Husband

We now have a family "text message chain." John and I try to regularly send things to the kids on this chain so that they don't say to us later, "You are always asking ME to empty the dishwasher." No, sorry, I'm regularly rotating my asking. 

Pomegranate doesn't have a phone, of course, and Abigail's phone is just a "kid phone" that only works on wi-fi, but nonetheless, this is the main way we communicate. 

John uses it to communicate farm needs. We send sheep paddock maps and a list of farm things that have to be done. Especially considering that he has to work shift work where we don't see him much during the daylight for days at a time, this is really helpful.

Well, we went from the 70's this week -- truly where we have been for months now, we dropped into the 30's and 40's suddenly. This means it is time for the wood stove to kick on. Believe it or not, this tiny little stove heats our entire house. (Our house is actually not incredibly big, but it is a three bedroom on two floors.) 

However, JB gets mighty frustrated when the tiny wood (kindling) is used as firewood. It's very easy to understand. You use tiny wood to get a fire started. You use big wood to keep it going. 

And so, John texted us this photo. Don't forget these things!

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