Jordan, Tyler (who is now in college), Hannah, Sidge, Abigail, Isaac, and MaryBeth. Their daughter Alyssa isn’t in this picture. She is Hannah’s age.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
365 Days of Rest #39
Jordan, Tyler (who is now in college), Hannah, Sidge, Abigail, Isaac, and MaryBeth. Their daughter Alyssa isn’t in this picture. She is Hannah’s age.
Friday, August 30, 2024
365 Days of Rest #38
Zach and Zoey joined as well. I am so excited that they are back in Greeneville for the year! It’s so fun.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
365 Days of Rest #37
In the 90s today. Chickens were swimming! Nearly a dozen of them. So odd! But this how they relax. We all gotta find our way.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
365 Days of Rest #36
What is your drug of choice? What gives you your "hit." Do you require every single thing in your house to be in order? Must all be right with all the people you love? Do you have to have no financial stressors in order to feel at peace? In my case, I was only okay, if everyone else was okay.
I'm learning how to be okay just being. I'm learning to find rest and pleasure in each and everyday. I'm giving myself permission to not have every single i dotted. And not every single t crossed. I'm learning to not fill my days. To say "no, I'm sorry. I can't do that."
Doing that is hard. When someone asks me for a favor, what if I just don't have the energy or bandwidth or desire to do it. Can I say no for just those reasons?
Each and every day involves me looking closely at what is on my schedule and how full I have made things and how much energy I have to do what is being asked of me. I'm making sure that saying "yes" on Thursday won't mean I have to say "no" on Friday to my husband or children or something I really need or want to do.
How about you? What are you doing today ... just today ... to make sure you get rest.
Today, I graded papers while watch a show I've been enjoying ... Alone. (John thinks it's quite funny that Wendi is the one choosing to watch this. Not JB. Not Elijah. But Wendi. The city girl.) Just turning on the TV and allowing myself to sit back and relax.
Maybe I don't make anything for dinner. Maybe we just eat cereal. Maybe we don't have plans other than to do NOTHING for the day.
Those plans are valuable.
I'm learning SO much.
Monday, August 26, 2024
365 Days of Rest #35
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Happy Birthday to Lily
This was the only picture I see on my phone from Lily's birthday. I should have gotten more! :) We went out and got burgers for her birthday. The Shrader family are some of our closest friends here in Greeneville. We love this family! And we were glad to get to celebrate with Lily.
I also got this video of our singing her Happy Birthday. Here it is!
365 Days of Rest #34
Today was one of those days that made rest challenging. It was ballet try-out day. This happens once a year and is in preparation for the show they do every January. This year's show will be Snow White. Three of my kids tried out. And Sidge will, as usual, do backstage.
I help a lot with the ballet and with the try-outs. Central Ballet is our community and our family. We pour into Heritage Home Scholars (our co-op) and CBT. We also love our church and many of the people overlap at these two places.
However, despite having trouble finding rest today, I still managed to carve it out. I took time to go over to my parents' house. (They are back in Florida and the Dunhams don't arrive at their house to rent it until tomorrow.) I took a good hour and just rested. I also, purposefully, found quiet places at the Ballet try-out (which isn't easy because there are so many people) to not talk for a bit and just be.
These are purposeful and conscious decisions to get rest even when chaos is surrounding you. Or when you just can't find the time. You can still try to etch out down time.
I did that today. And I am proud of myself for that!
Friday, August 23, 2024
365 Days of Rest #33
Thursday, August 22, 2024
I have mentioned on my Blog that I have done (and may continue to do) EMDR in my counseling sessions. I thought I would take some time to discuss that what has meant for me in this healing journey I have been on for six-ish months.
I know there are some people reading my posts who are traveling a similar journey. Or maybe they are just battling depression. Or maybe anxiety. I want to offer some perspective and knowledge and normalcy if I can.
I am unable to put into words what this therapy/counseling has meant for my life. Honestly, I feel that I have been reborn. I feel like I have a whole new lease on life. It almost feels like at the end of this six month quagmire of horrificness, I am a NEW PERSON.
An example:
I have struggled my entire life with _________. You put the "thing" that you struggle with in that blank. For me, it was/is people-pleasing.
This isn't just "I need to make people happy." This is debilitating anxiety about keeping people happy. This is crumpling up in a ball if I think someone is judging me. And these judgments can be the most random, weird, strange things. One time, someone made a comment about our sheep and I worried she wouldn't be my friend anymore. (Yes, you read that right.) I would worry that if my dog barked at people, they'd get upset and not want to come back to my house. If I said "no" to someone, would they stop being my friend. The list goes ON and ON.
I honestly sometimes just tried to get rid of the thing in order to get rid of the feeling. I literally wanted to get rid of my Scrubby. Or just get rid of my sheep. I would do anything to try to get "that feeling" to go away.
Of course, it's very obvious that what I was trying to do was not actually sustainable or even possible. And when I became a parent and had four children, I certainly couldn't compete with what people thought of my children. How can I keep everyone "okay" now?!?
Here's the thing. This is/was more than just a minor thing. This isn't like "I really dislike when someone cooks broccoli because the smell bothers me." This was debilitating. People would tell me not to care. Just let it roll off of me. BUT I COULD NOT.
Fast forward six months. I've been in counseling nearly weekly. And I have a small situation occur at my homeschool cooperative. It was nothing I did. Just a passing comment from a frustrated person, probably not even directed at me.
They said it, and I walked away, totally unfazed. And I stood there thinking, "Really? That's it? I'm not affected? How can that be?" I was in shock. That horrid feeling that I have lived with my whole life was GONE.
How did that happen? Well, Kim and I had gone back to some of my earliest memories of dealing with people. And then we used EMDR. This may sound weird or non-Christian, but I'm telling you it is not weird at all. It is not hypnosis. You do not lose control of your body. You simply revisit the memory and work through it again so that it is filed into your brain in a different way.
In short: these memories were stored in my brain as TRAUMA. They were stored in my brain as if I had witnessed a horrific crime. And so, every time a repeat event occurred, my brain tried to protect me. Imagine opening up your scalp and patting your brain on the top of it's "head" and saying, "Bless it's heart." My brain is trying. It is saying:
Wendi, watch out. There is something really bad occurring here. Get out of this situation. Do anything to fix it. You could die. This is really bad. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!
Now this would be fine for my brain to do if there was a BEAR! Or my child was in danger. But that wasn't what this was. This was really minor things that were making me think something really bad was happening.
I will write more about this but let me end today by saying the following:
If you are battling anxiety, it has come FROM SOMEWHERE. It is occurring for a reason. Sure, Jesus can help. Sure, he can do a miracle. Sure, this can get better without counseling but .... I doubt it. Honestly. I don't mean to make Jesus sound incapable. But I really think he wants to get to the root of what is causing this fear of man. THERE WAS A REASON. No amount of saying, "I need to trust in Jesus" could help alleviate that horrible feeling I had. I could maybe talk myself off a cliff. But the cliff would emerge again another day.
Please ... SEEK HELP! There are many places that will work with your income bracket. Find a therapist! At the very least, buy the book I have put a picture of at the top of this post. It actually teaches you how to implement some of the practices on your own, without a therapist. (Although I really think that I needed a "guide" to help me get as far as I did.)
I wish someone would have explained to me when I was 20 or 30 what the anxiety I was feeling was from. I wish they would have told me that this wasn't because I was prideful or didn't trust Jesus enough. This was a mis-wiring that had occurred in my brain due to some things that happened to me as a child.
Sometimes this mi-wiring can happen completely inadvertently. No one actually has to be at fault. For example, say you are five years old and in your house during a storm. The storm is so loud that your parents don't hear you crying and you think you are all alone. Your parents did not intentionally harm you. But somehow, your brain took in something and created a narrative that wasn't completely accurate.
The next storm occurs and panic ensues. The parent doesn't know how to help, and suddenly you are down a rabbit hole of fear and anxiety related to something that was purely accidental in nature.
This is not about BLAME. I am not blaming anyone (even the bully that really ransacked my life during middle school.) I am simply NAMING what occurred so I can heal from it.
There is FREEDOM!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
365 Days of Rest #32
Monday, August 19, 2024
365 Days of Rest #31
Scripture Mapping! I am LOVING find who Wendi is and what works for her! I am loving not trying to fit into what I should do and how I should do it! I love figuring out how MY mind works.
Ever since I was young, I found myself unable to focus and concentrate for long periods of time unless my hands were moving. Church felt like torture. When I got my job at Mayo Clinic, they introduced me to different learning styles, and I became aware that I need to approach things a bit differently. But how to do that? And what would people think if they saw me coloring at church?
You know what:
Oh, it feels so amazing to say that. It feels so amazing to say, I really don't care. And not just say it but feel it. I can feel it. The freedom is simply taking my breath away.
This was, without a doubt, the worst six months of my life. Worse than infertility and worse than my pregnancy with the Pomegranate.But holy cow, if this is what it is like on the other side, it is worth it. To understand rest. To understand being with Jesus in the way that my brain and heart needs to be with Jesus.
It's beautiful.
Friday, August 16, 2024
365 Days of Rest #30
John headed out of town this weekend. He is actually at a concert with Isaac. I'll post more about that soon. John, is actually at dinner as we speak with an old friend from our past: Ronnie Ray. More on that too I am sure.
In the meantime, I have been doing very well emotionally. I can't say for sure that I am "through" it, but I definitely know I am through the worst of it, and while I may have some little blips, I think the worst of the blips are over.
So yesterday, I decided to take the kids (minus Isaac of course) to The Factory Adventure. Our friend Anni works there now. It's a great situation for her because she is able to homeschool her now kindergartner, Tristan, as Tristan can go to work with her!
Anyways, we met the older Shrader kiddos there and hung out. Then we grabbed some Chik-fil-A. Later that evening, their family introduced us to Bluey Oh my goodness is that show something else. I am sure I am way behind the times, but instead of rushing back home, I sat down and just watched an episode of Bluey.
This morning, when I woke up, I came out to find the girls embracing the Bluey even more. And I just let them. Today, we sat around. We watched one, two, three of the Hunger Games movies. Yes, we got some sheep work done. And a few house chores. But, again, I am working more and more on R-E-S-T.
I'm thinking of it everyday. How can I r-e-s-t today. How can I not end up back in the same darn cycle of GRIND that we are all doing all the time. I am not grinding anymore
I moved here for a slow life. It's hard to get that life. But I'm in search of it. It's where I can most spend time with Jesus. And be my best self.
So . . . 365 days of Rest.
feel like I have made it through this hard six months. I know there will still be some light dips, but I do think the worst of it is behind me.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
365 Days of Rest #29
I feel like I have made it through this hard six months. I know there will still be some light dips, but I do think the worst of it is behind me.
However, even still, even if I feel like I have traveled through the worst of it, I have to purposefully take care of myself. I need lots of rest. I need lots of quiet time. I need prayer. I need coloring. I need contemplation. I need the outdoors.
It's so interesting that a few months ago, in the throngs of depression, the days felt S-O-O-O-O-o-o-o lonnnnnnng. They never ended. And now, I don't have enough down-time to do all the things for ME that I want to do. I feel like years of guilt for sitting and coloring or reading or just relaxing stopped me from often just allowing myself to B-E.
But now I am enjoying the B-E so much.
I'm also having other moments where I can literally FEEL the FREEDOM that this journey is bringing to me. This past Monday we returned to co-op. First day of school underway. In the course of the morning, there was one tiny little glitch in my day. A thing that happened that I didn't want to happen but did. And a comment someone made about it. However, that comment would have made old Wendi freak out. Either I would have to be on an anti-depressant to stop the guilt or I would have to go up to the person and check in with them fifty times to make sure they weren't mad at me.
But I didn't do those things. And I didn't feel the compulsion to do those things. I simply said, "Oh, well, that's a bummer." I knew that I didn't owe anyone an apology. I knew that I had handled things correctly. And I was able to move onward and upward with little to no issue at all.
I have spent nearly my entire life in a dungeon of anxiety and worry and compulsion and needing to do things to stop those uncomfortable feelings. And now, I don't have to do that anymore. The thing is: I always thought that if I got right with God or I stopped worrying what people thought, or if I had less pride, I would be able to stop those things. But in the end, this wasn't about ME being able to FIX this. This was about Jesus orchestrating the right people in my life at the right time to help me REWIRE my brain.
It's so exciting!
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
365 Days of Rest #28
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
365 Days of Rest #27
You are NOT alone. Jesus IS with you. Try to remember that. Try to cling to Him. But I tell you what, when you are really in the valley, that can be VERY hard. And so, it's okay if all you do that day is breathe. That's okay too.
Today I was teaching. On Wednesdays, I have Eoin and Genevieve and my Hannah here to work on their writing and geography. Despite the fact that they were here, I figured out a way to get some solid rest. It was purposeful. Other things had to pause in order to do that. But I did that.
Monday, August 12, 2024
365 Days of Rest #26
First day of the 2024-2025 school year this morning! We start our first day with the Heritage Home Scholars Cooperative.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
365 Days of Rest #25
I don't know if I would call it ... restful. But there was definitely some beauty in today. My nephew Gabe got baptized and then we had a picnic at his grandparents' house (my Uncle and Aunt) afterwards. Later that evening, John and I had a meeting to attend so we sent the kids home in one car with Isaac behind the wheel (GULP!) and John and I went and chilled at my parents' house for an hour or so before the meeting.
Speaking of my parents, they have returned to Florida after a beautiful summer in Tennessee!
Like I said, today wasn't completely restful. But I prepared for it by going easier on myself on Saturday and making sure I had the rest time before the meeting. I am consciously making so many different decisions to make my life sweeter and easier and calmer and more ... peaceful.
Tomorrow is the first day of school so it will be hard to put in Rest #26 ... but I'm going to go for it!
Saturday, August 10, 2024
365 Days of Rest #24
- Hunt, Gather, Parent
- Until the Streetlights Come on
- Jimmy Chin: Adventure Photography Class
- Balanced and Barefoot
- Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids - and How to Break the Trance
- Digital Madness
- Chasing Slow
- The Opt-Out Family
- Beyond Winning: Smart Parenting in a Toxic Sports Environment
- Smart Movers: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head
- Emotionally, Resilient Tweens and Teens: Empowering Your Kids to Navigate Bullying, Teasing, and Social Exclusion
- Take Back the Game: How Money and Mania Are Ruining Kids' Sports--and Why It Matters
- The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life
Here were just a few interesting points that I gleaned from listening to this video two times:
- When your kids are bored, you have not failed.
- When you do the same thing over and over again, your brain records it as "one memory." If you just do baseball, it becomes one memory.
- Don't make a happy kid, happier.
- Every time I step into and try to save my child from something (other than death), what I am actually saying is, "I don't trust you."
- Stop siphoning stuff into little chunks. Go to the park and STAY. Three's a bigger payoff.
- It can take kids up to 45 minutes to develop a pay scale.
Friday, August 09, 2024
The Room Cleaners
My parents have been in town since May. It's so wonderful to have them here for a few months. A few years ago, they bought a little house in downtown Greeneville. This allows my parents to have some time not being inundated by our crazy family and farm, but then to also get to spend some time with us. I'm hoping they can come every summer! (They've tried coming in the winter, but cold isn't really their jam."
One thing about my mom is that her gifting is doing. It's serving. It's helping. That is how my mom tells you she loves you. She shows you by being there for you. I have vivid recollections from back into my childhood of my Mom always working. And by working, yes, she worked very hard at her job as a house cleaner and school bus driver and eventually her new job at a Sporting Goods Distributor. But by working I mean, she was always available to help people with cleaning or serving. Friends. Church. Community. I remember helping the homeless and even taking people in when they needed somewhere to live. We didn't have a lot of money, but my mom always gave of her abilities which was serving people.
Sorry. I got a little sidetracked. My mom posted those pictures at the top of this post. These pictures may be a little blurry, but they mean a lot to me for THREE major reasons:
1. Hannah has a very hard time cleaning. She is an artist at heart, but she's also incredibly nostalgic. Getting rid of things is hard. She really can't get motivated by herself, but it's very hard for her to emotionally ... organize. But somehow, my mom was able to work with Hannah with no tears and no drama! It was a miracle. And not only did they work one day, my mom came back for a second day! It truly was a miracle. Hannah's room looks amazing! (The girls used to share a room, but we've recently relocated the boys which has allowed the girls to have their own rooms.)
2. During the last six months, I've had to let a lot of things go because I just didn't have the ability. I am an organized person. And I work to keep my home organized. But when your legs get knocked out from under you, you have to just say, "I can't." I had actually told my counselor about two months ago that the clutter was really wearing me down. She just reminded me (as did my husband) that those things could be done later. My mom was able to help with that.
3. My mom was able to use HER gifts in HER way to help our family. Everyone is different. Everyone loves and gives (think: love languages) differently. Really let people love you in their way. It's a beautiful thing!