Saturday, June 15, 2024

He chose you

Four women: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. One had affairs, one was a prostitute, one lied, one was an adulteress... none of them were starry eyed perfect princesses. Four broken women. And yet God chose them... these four broken women, to be grandmothers in Jesus’ family tree. He crowned them with grace and love. Queens for His kingdom. 
Today you may feel broken. You may feel like an outsider, a has-been, a never-been. Weary of being taken advantage of, of being unnoticed, uncherished, and unappreciated. Like you don’t fit in, like you don’t know how to keep going, or what to believe, or where to go. You may feel like you want to give up. 
And yet God chooses you. He grafts you into His line, His story, and His heart. He gives you His name, His lineage, and His righteousness. He calls you His very own.
📷 Tricia Robinson

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