Monday, September 03, 2007

Fantastic weekend (isn't over yet)

It's Monday morning. My parents just left. While I am sad to see them go, I am happy that the "weekend"isn't over yet. We had a wonderful time with them this weekend. Yesterday we went to Destin Commons and saw a movie and then JB made Indian for dinner. My dad and I played a lot of Tetris, my mom and JB read a lot, and my mom and I also took the dog on a lot of walks.

Last night while we were lying in bed JB said to me, "This has been the most relaxing two days I have had since we moved here." He wasn't joking. He got to read 400+ pages in his new book, cook two meals, watch a movie, and take a nap. For JB, there isn't much else he would like to do than those few tasks. He's at the hospital right now but hoping to be home by midday. We're then going to head over to Matt and Tiffany's for some burgers. We saw an awesome burger recipe on GMA that we are going to try out on our willing subjects. Well John is trying it out. I'll cheer him on.

Speaking of willing subjects, very funny story here. Matt is from Texas. He therefore speaks with a bit of a Texas twang. He is also a "flight doctor". This means that he is aerospace medicine and will be a doctor for pilots and their families. It's a different "track" then JB is on. When my Dad asked Matt what he was in, Matt told me day that he was a flight doctor. Only, with Matt's country accent my dad thought he said, "Flat doctor." My dad, with all seriousness asked Matt what a "flat doctor" was. I thought my dad was joking as he is an English teacher and often often often often corrects people's grammar. But he wasn't. He really thought Matt was a flat doctor. Too funny.

Another funny? JB pulled the ultimate practical joke on Matt. He actually stole the idea from some of the doctors in Pensacola. The joke? Sending a number to Matt's pager for somewhere a bit humorous. JB's choices: Hooters and Victoria's Secret. I wish I could have been there when Matt returned the call to the number on his pager and they said, "Thank you for calling Hooters -- how can I help you?" It quickly became obvious that there was no one at Hooters trying to reach Dr. Ramage! Too funny. Matt didn't figure it out right away until the VS call. Then he realized someone was pulling one over on him. Go John! (I also can't wait to see how Matt gets him back!)

Anyways, yesterday, My mom and I saw The Nannie Diaries which JB and my Dad went to see some sort of dusting stars movie. Stardust I think? I can't remember. As for The Nannie Diaries, I wouldn't recommend it. It was a fun, frivolous flick but nothing worth going to the movie theatre for. Did anyone else see this? There were some things that just really didn't work for me. For one thing, while Annie's boyfriend was quite attractive and quite a "Harvard Hottie", her relationship with him was sort of poorly done. They didn't even show their first kiss! What's with that?! Then there was her relationship with her best friend (Alicia Keys). They didn't even seem to like each other. Anyways, there was some cute stuff and overall it was well done, but I wouldn't even bother with this one on video.

I should have known better and taken the advice on rottentomatoes. If you guys haven't been to this website, you need to go! It combines all reviews from critics all around the country. I usually find that they are pretty right on. Although, quite honestly, I think it was a little off for the movie JB and I got on Netflix the other night: The Tiger and the Snow. We actually liked the Benigni film -- especially the ending. The critics however seemed to hate it.

Going to try to get a few hours of work done before spending Labor Day with my babe. I added my parents to our Visitors list. We have vacancies until October. C'mon folks!

Visitor to Eglin


Anonymous said...

Nice pics of your dad...he looks like a proud and loving Grandpa with his darling little grandpup!

That "flat doctor" story made me laugh! I went to a conference in Alabama and the lady next to me said she was "tarred". It puzzled me...until a few hours later in my hotel room I realized she meant she was "tired" !!! I wonder if other languages have similar problems? Hmm......

AW said...

So glad you're having a good weekend! But I'm so disappointed to hear about The Nanny Diaries. I'm a big Scarlett Johansson fan...I was really hoping it'd be a good one. :-S

Anonymous said...

Wen,if you're ever in NC and someone asks to borrow your parasol, don't give them an umbrella. They would be asking for a power saw!

TAV said...

too, too funny. flat doctor and parasols :) you totally made my day! :) enjoy non-laboring on labor day (my senior let me off early-- whoopee!) :)
<3 t